[vc_row gap=”30″][vc_column width=”1/4″][eltdf_image_with_text enable_image_shadow=”no” title_tag=”h2″ image=”6113″ image_size=”full” title=”Kirsty Partridge” text=”Kirsty Partridge is an Artist, YouTuber, and Online Art Tutor. Her aim is to help aspiring artists grow their skills, build confidence with their art, and reach their full potential. She started her art career in 2015, by offering free art tutorials on YouTube. Since then she has grown her YouTube channel, Kirsty Partridge Art, to over 1,000,000 subscribers and amassed over 45 million views on my videos.”][vc_empty_space height=”30px”][eltdf_icon icon_pack=”font_elegant” fe_icon=”icon_desktop” size=”eltdf-icon-small” type=”eltdf-normal” icon_animation=”yes” target=”_blank” hover_icon_color=”#2dc9ff” link=”https://www.kirstypartridge.com/”][eltdf_icon icon_pack=”font_elegant” fe_icon=”social_instagram_square” size=”eltdf-icon-small” type=”eltdf-normal” icon_animation=”yes” target=”_blank” hover_icon_color=”#2dc9ff” link=”https://www.instagram.com/kirstysart/”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeIn”]

Inspiring Artist Stories

Interview with Kirsty Partridge

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What did you study in school (or go on to study in university/college)?

I had planned a very different path for myself back when I was in school. I studied all of the academic subjects like math, chemistry, and biology. The plan was to go to university, study biomedical science, and eventually get a ‘real’ job in that field. 3 months into university I realized that path definitely wasn’t for me and I quit my degree to start pursuing my art career.


Why did you choose to become an artist?

When I started my art channel I didn’t expect it to turn into a 6 figure business. Art was something I loved to do for fun. Only when I started seeing traction on my YouTube did I think ‘hmm… maybe this could be more than a hobby.’ I think that I chose more to become a business owner and use art as a vehicle. Honestly, I love the business side of what I do way more than the art side. It sounds like it should be the other way around, right?



What was your main fear about pursuing art as a career and how did you overcome it?

Fear of failure was something I suffered from early on in my art career. Quitting university shocked a lot of people around me, so I felt like I had something to prove. People thought quitting an academic degree to pursue art was crazy! I suppose to overcome it I just didn’t allow the fear to affect and influence my decisions. I brushed it off, learned to ignore other people’s opinions, and just focused all my energy on growing my business.


Who is there that has been an influence on your art career?

The biggest influences on my art career are other entrepreneurs. I value education a lot, especially on the business side of becoming an artist. I feel like most people focus too much on art and think the business side is boring when really it is crucial! I attribute a lot of my success to these people: Roberto Blake, Ramit Sethi, Gary Vaynerchuck, and Patrick Bet David. I recommend checking them out.


What would you say to someone wanting to be an artist?

Just get started. Don’t wait until you have the perfect art supplies, camera, or editing software. Get started with what you have. Don’t make excuses and put it off. Also, have belief in yourself because, despite what people say, it has never been a better time to build an art career. As long as your committed and willing to keep learning then you can become a successful artist.


You can find out more about her and her work on her website, Instagram account.

Who has inspired you to pursue art?

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