[vc_row gap=”30″][vc_column width=”1/4″][eltdf_image_with_text enable_image_shadow=”no” title_tag=”h2″ image=”6105″ image_size=”full” title=”Rose Tanner” text=”Rose Tanner is an award-winning oil painter who loves the outdoors and studying birds. She travels widely for her subjects and is active in supporting endangered birds and their habitat. She is a signature member of The Federation of Canadian Artists, juries shows and volunteers on the FCA Victoria Chapter board. Rose teaches beginning oil painting and how to paint birds through her online workshops.”][vc_empty_space height=”30px”][eltdf_icon icon_pack=”font_elegant” fe_icon=”icon_desktop” size=”eltdf-icon-small” type=”eltdf-normal” icon_animation=”yes” target=”_blank” hover_icon_color=”#2dc9ff” link=”https://www.rosetanner.com/”][eltdf_icon icon_pack=”font_elegant” fe_icon=”social_instagram_square” size=”eltdf-icon-small” type=”eltdf-normal” icon_animation=”yes” target=”_blank” hover_icon_color=”#2dc9ff” link=”https://www.instagram.com/rosetannerart/”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]

Inspiring Artist Stories

Interview with Rose Tanner

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James and Margret, Oil on Linen, 16 x 20 x 0.75 in


At what point did you decide that you had to be an artist?

I attended the Academy of Art University right out of high school and worked in publishing in the past, and I knew I would return to art someday. When I sold my business, I decided it was time to pursue art again; initially, I wanted to write and illustrate children’s books, but the painting lured me in, specifically oil painting.


Tell us about your creative process, how does it begin?

My creative process begins in the field, on an adventure, where the birds are either migrating, breeding, nesting or feeding. Those moments in nature give me great joy and inspire me to share the experience in some way.
I then go through a myriad of photographs and field notes to decide what I’d like to capture and express in paint. It is usually a connection I made with a species or the light in a photograph, a moment in time that inspired me.
Once I decide on a composition, it’s a process of drawing, painting, mixing colour, thinking about my edges, refining and finishing.

What is your favourite piece that you have created?

My favourite piece is of a White Fronted Bee Eater with a bee; it captures the curiosity of birds. It was challenging to paint the frontal view because of the beak perspective, but the shadow helped describe the form. The Woodson Art Museum purchased the piece, which was an honour, and I felt it somehow vindicated my work as an artist.

Bee Curious, Oil on Linen, 30 x 24 x 0.5 in

What do you like about the materials you use?

I love oil; it’s forgiving, instant and makes gorgeous colours. For me, oil allows the creative process to flow more quickly than other mediums.
The computer is another essential tool for marketing. I also have an online masterclass and a blog about painting realism so it seems lately the computer has become part of my materials. The computer is part of the process of getting your work out there into the world.

How do you want people to feel when they encounter your work?

I hope my work stirs a curiosity and sense of wonder for the diversity, intelligence and beauty of birds. I want to inspire my viewers to get outside and find a reason to be in nature.


Do you have a favourite artist or art style that inspires you?

There are so many artists that inspire me it would be hard to choose, and it often changes as I discover new amazing artists.


What have you learnt about art from other artists?

What I’ve learned from other artists is to be true to your own voice, share and learn as much as you can and never stop learning. Have confidence in yourself and believe in your art. Know how value can set up your paintings and become a colour temperature geek. To get better, consider that art is more about the process than the imagined outcome; just do it.


What would the people who collect your art say about you?

People say I’m passionate about my subjects and technique; they say I’m dedicated and maybe a little nerdy.


What does your day to day routine look like?

My day starts in the studio with either planning what I’m going to paint or painting. I also spend time on the computer with marketing, sales and serving clients/students.


Describe your studio space, what makes it somewhere you can be creative?

My studio space is a dedicated room with a sink and a fridge, and I have different tables set up for various tasks like stretching canvas, painting at the easel and teaching lessons. My studio has all the tools I need to let the creative process flow and a place for the dogs to watch. 😉


What advice would you give to new artists who want to get their work out there?

My advice to get your work out there is to join an art organization and enter shows. Post your work regularly on Facebook and Instagram. Try an Art Fair; this will give you first-hand knowledge of how people interact with your work and what people are interested in buying.


Check out more of her work here.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][eltdf_social_share icon_type=”font-elegant”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

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