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13 tips for creatives to get more followers on Instagram

woman with brown hair and a blue tshirt having her picture taken on a mobile phone

If you have an Instagram and Facebook page for your art, you have most likely at some point wished your follower count could grow magically overnight. Growing your account is a great way to get more eyes on your art, and it doesn’t have to be rocket science. Social media is changing all the time, so I’ve collected some of the newest techniques (as well as some tried and tested favorites) to growing your follower count in 2021.

With these tips, you will have many new potential customers viewing your artwork before you know it!

Are you ready to grow your account?

If you are still setting up your profile or you feel it could be improved, spend some time polishing it before moving onto the following steps. I discuss in detail how to set up a professional artist Instagram profile in Chapter 6 of my book, ‘Art is my career – How To Start An Art Business’, which you might find helpful. Once your Instagram page is looking fabulous, try the following ideas to increase that follower count.

How to use new Instagram features to grow your following:

1. Make an IGTV series

IGTV videos are longer videos, in which you can really connect with your audience. Running it as a series will give viewers an incentive to follow your profile, so they can watch the next installment. Ideas for a series could be, a weekly ‘life of an artist’ vlog, or an art tutorial series.

2. Use Instagram stories hashtag and location features.

These are quite underused features, and many accounts overlook the stories feature entirely! But the fact is 45% of stories viewed last year were from businesses! Using relevant hashtags and/or a location tag on your stories is a great way to get people in your area or niche to see your page.

3. Use Instagram nametag

Use Instagram nametag so people can scan it and easily find your account. You can find your Instagram nametag by clicking the three lines icon and then selecting ‘nametag’.

How to increase your audience by engaging with other accounts:

4. Use art sharing accounts

Look for accounts that share artist’s work that fit your niche and ask them to share your work. Remember everybody is looking for fresh, good quality content.

5. Use branded hashtags

Use branded hashtags or tag sharing accounts in your captions. Sharing accounts usually have large followings, and engaging with them can help draw people to your page.

6. Pay to have your posts shared

Pay to have your posts shared. Remember to check that the page you are paying has not only a good follower count but also a good engagement rate. You can check the engagement rate easily by looking at how many comments and likes their posts actually get!

7. Do Shout outs for shoutouts

Use ‘shoutout for shoutouts’ to connect with other pages, and encourage their audience to check out your page. You can do this on your stories by screenshotting and tagging the other artist’s page. It’s a great, free way to boost your following!

Tip- When it comes to Instagram, engagement is crucial! Remember this when creating your posts. Include a call to action with every post, asking your followers to comment. This will boost their engagement with your page and allows you to get to know your followers.

Create a community on social media:

8. Cultivate a community

Try to cultivate a community on whatever social media platform you are using. This means forming real relationships with your followers and other artists you are following, by commenting on posts, replying to stories, and engaging with each other in a meaningful way. Think of this as the equivalent of a friendly chit-chat over the counter in a physical gallery/shop.

9. Ask your audience what they want

Ask your existing audience about their favorite kind of Instagram content and the accounts they’re following. You really need to understand who is following you, and what it is you can offer them, to get the most out of your social media accounts.

10. Have clear, professional profile pictures

Have clear, professional profile pictures on Instagram and Facebook, and an easily memorable profile name! This just makes it easier for people to find and follow you.

11. Join and engage with relevant groups

If you are running a page on Facebook then it is all about the groups. Facebook’s audience is older than Instagram and users are looking for real connections and community. Join and engage with relevant groups, and make your page feel friendly and welcoming. Remember to always stay professional when commenting or interacting from your artist page.

How to use Instagram Analytics:

12. Use your analytics

If you are trying to grow your account, you need to be using Instagram analytics. To view Instagram analytics and insights you will need to have a business account. This is free but you need a business Facebook page to link it to. If you are serious about using social media to boost your profile and sell your art, I’d say a business account is a must-have!

13. Pay to boost your posts

Boosting your posts (paying Instagram to share your post) can increase your followers and engagement. Look at your content insights and choose the post that has already received the most likes, or the most comments to boost. This will give you the best chance of success.

I hope you find these tips useful! Try to set little goals, such as 1 new follower per day. Before you know it, your account will have grown and many more people will be viewing your art!

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