[vc_row gap=”30″][vc_column width=”1/4″][eltdf_image_with_text enable_image_shadow=”no” title_tag=”h2″ image=”6118″ image_size=”full” title=”Andrea Ehrhardt” text=”Andrea Ehrhardt is a full-time artist and she paints mainly commercial and residential murals with lots of Instagramable photo op art. Inspired by nature she has traveled to all seven continents and painted in most of them. She is living her dream of being a full-time artist and wants to help other potential artists achieve the same dream.”][vc_empty_space height=”30px”][eltdf_icon icon_pack=”font_elegant” fe_icon=”icon_desktop” size=”eltdf-icon-small” type=”eltdf-normal” icon_animation=”yes” target=”_blank” hover_icon_color=”#2dc9ff” link=”https://artbyandreae.com/”][eltdf_icon icon_pack=”font_elegant” fe_icon=”social_instagram_square” size=”eltdf-icon-small” type=”eltdf-normal” icon_animation=”yes” target=”_blank” hover_icon_color=”#2dc9ff” link=”https://www.instagram.com/artbyandreaehrhardt/”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]
Inspiring Artist Stories
Interview with Andrea Ehrhardt
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What did you study in school (or go on to study in university/college)?
I studied painting, business, and art education at Missouri State University. I had no idea then that I would be using ALL of those subjects today. I just signed up for the things I liked to do and was curious about.
Why did you choose to become an artist?
This is the best career in the world! I’m never looking at the clock counting down the time until the workday is over. Actually, it’s quite the opposite. The hours fly by and I’m constantly productive but because I want to be.
What was your main fear about pursuing art as a career and how did you overcome it?
My biggest limiting belief, in the beginning, was that there wasn’t enough work out there to keep me busy. I live in a small/medium-sized city and I always thought that I had to move to somewhere much bigger to make any money. Thankfully that turned out to be so untrue! I found this out by just promoting myself online and slowly gaining a bigger client base to the point of now being booked 3 months out.
Who is there that has been an influence on your art career?
I look up to Kelsey and Courtney Montague for starting the photo op mural trend. I saw what they were doing on a global scale and was inspired to bring a similar idea to the Midwest!
What would you say to someone wanting to be an artist?
My best advice for artists is to find someone who is doing almost exactly what you want to do (muralist, watercolor, calligrapher, etc) and reach out to them! Generally, artists are willing to share their processes and learning from a seasoned pro can advance you more than you even know. Artists reach out to me all the time and I often bring them on a mural job site with me so they can get those firsthand experiences.
You can find out more about her and her work on her website and Instagram account.
She has also now written her own book about her story and tips to help other mural artists.
Click to take a look:
Who has inspired you to pursue art?
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