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Inspiring Artist Stories

Interview with Jackie Kemper

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At what point did you decide that you had to be an artist?

I’ve always been a creative mind and tried different materials. After school, I discovered my passion for decoration, scenery and stage construction in the theatre.


Tell us about your creative process, how does it begin?

I feel a mood and have a rough idea of ​​what I want to do. Then I try to capture and combine them. I don’t write anything down and just work with the flow. So it happens that the original idea changes completely. At some point, the magical moment comes when you feel that it is so perfect for you and that it feels good.

What is your favourite piece that you have created?

My favourite piece was a witch’s house with a staircase and magical accessories. I was enthusiastic about it because after completion it still felt as if I had been in the house at that moment. Magical 🙂 but I also love every cosy library I´ve made.


What do you like about the materials you use?

I love wood and how it smells. Rustic optics and the rough has always inspired me. I see something beautiful in neglected places.

How do you want people to feel when they encounter your work?

It is a matter close to my heart that you experience a little magical moment while looking at my work. A mental escape from everyday life, where you can sink into the diorama and think: I want to live in it 🙂 and sometimes it makes me sad that you can’t.


Do you have a favourite artist or art style that inspires you?

I love everything that looks lost and forgotten, the older and more mysterious and also morbid the better. I mostly draw my inspiration from creepy and fantasy movies.


What have you learnt about art from other artists?

The most important thing is not to make art so that others like it, but to create it with a lot of passion, because that is what passes over to the viewer.


What would the people who collect your art say about you?

That my work is magical and created with great attention to detail.


What does your day to day routine look like?

First coffee, then cuddling with cats and then sitting at a clean desk and letting the flow of ideas run free. I am happy to get in touch with other artists via Instagram and Facebook for a nice exchange.


Describe your studio space, what makes it somewhere you can be creative?

I work in a special room at home where I really only work. So mentally I’m ready to go as soon as I enter, as nothing can distract me here. And I need silence or a good film on the side.


What advice would you give to new artists who want to get their work out there?

Be patient when it comes to success, continuity pays off and get used to the fact that office work and everything that has little to do with art will become a large part of your work. and always stay true to you and your visions.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][eltdf_social_share icon_type=”font-elegant”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

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